Thursday, September 21, 2023 6pm to 8:30pm
About this Event
1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016
Take part in the IEEE EMC Society Chicago Chapter Meeting in Association with Oakton College's STEM Speaker Series, “Stopping Radio Interference for Fun and Profit: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) As a Goal, a Technology, and a Career.”
Abstract: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) has been around as a branch of technology for 70 years, beginning in early 1950 as military electronics became more sophisticated and radiofrequency interference (RFI) was recognized as a concern. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has published regulatory requirements limiting RF emissions from electronic devices, and the European Union (EU) has published regulations on the electronic devices’ level of immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI), both radiated and conducted. This talk will give background on EMC, defining its terms and technology, its increasing importance and its options as an engineering career path. The topic will be illustrated by real-world examples of EMI events and their resolution and steps designers can take to minimize the risk of EMC issues in a finished product.
This event includes dinner courtesy of the IEEE EMC Society Chicago Chapter.
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